A public boycott of Ziba Studio is highly encouraged.
Indoor Cycling Magazine usually reviews Indoor Cycling related news, events, etc. However many of you are aware that we also are Online Internet Creators and have produced dozens of videos. As such. Since we make videos many have encouraged us to take the free Adobe Creator course which began February 21 2022 in order to create more professional videos. Which is why we had to publish a Ziba Studios Review
After signing up for the Adobe Creator course we ran into some technical issues. Which even the Adobe Community admitted such as difficulties downloading their work files.
We also noticed that the website they use for the course is difficult to use. It was confusing which caused us more problems. That led to us posting on their “community page”. They have many forums so we posted in a few forums.
What is most disturbing was when instead of receiving customer service, Shirin Nahv, the admin deleted the non-white citizen and even cancelled his course, harming his future and his reputation. After the severe crisis and damage we did some digging and believe she is a BAD FAITH feminist at best or having some serious mental issues at worst. Not only did Shirin Nahv the owner of Ziba Studios. destroyed the non-white man’s account but she stalked him and even blocked his Indoor Cycling account. That is BAD FAITH 101 at best and dangerously malicious at worst. Remember. The non-white man did not even know her social media accounts until she acted with malice. In case some of you weren’t aware, when one blocks your business account Instagram becomes aware of it and puts your account in jeopardy of being canceled or receive less traffic. So you can see the pattern of malice and hate. Which is why Adobe and the public must be made aware if these disgusting and hatefully actions.
As such. We implore you to contact Adobe and advise them that you don’t support hate and malice. And demand they apologize for the unprofessional misconduct of one of their employees. Start with
The Creator Camp contact: creatorcamp@adobe.com
And the Adobe Social Creators community admin
Emily Garcia emgarcia@adobe.com
Corporate headquarters:
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110-2704
Tel: 408-536-6000
Fax: 408-537-6000
You can peacefully and politely contact Ziba Studios and ask them why hate is toxic here
In conclusion. Any lawyer, law enforcement supports the fundamental laws of Justice which are
- Vagueness.
- Arbitrariness.
- Overbreadth.
- Gross Disproportionality.
- Right to Silence.
- Minimum Level of Mens Rea.
- Right to Full Answer and Defence
- Innocent until proven guilty.
All the above are 100% against witch hunts and hostile bad faith feminism which demonized non-white men.