We all heard of the Spinning® bike. Are they in decline? The last Instagram post was December 2 2016 and there is only one studio in Vancouver that has the Spinning bikes
In 1994, cyclists and entrepreneurs John Baudhuin and Johnny G founded Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc. to develop the Spinning® indoor cycling program and the Spinner® bike.
Around 1995 the famous “Spinner bikes” started to become popular, So John and Johnny licensed the manufacturing to Schwinn to help commercialize the Spinning concept.
Then, unfortunately, either because the Spinning Bikes were not selling, or, maybe another reason, the Schwinn Brand in 2001 filed for Bankruptcy.
So Madd Dogg athletics decided to try something else. Which was to try selling at home indoor cycling bikes, hoping it would catch for those who want to workout at home. They also made some DVD’s and videos which I were anything but special and I never bought any.
The next plan for Madd Dogg was to try to get a Fitness Brand to sell try to sell their bikes. So in 2015 Madd Dogg found someone to sell their bikes, or “license” to sell their bikes. So Madd Dogg “partner” with Precor® and now they hope to sell, sell, sell !
But we don’t have high hopes for the Spinner® bikes. In Vancouver, BC which has several Indoor Cycling studios, one one has the Spinner® bikes. However there are many studios with Schwinn Bikes. Which, in our opinion are better than the Spinner Bikes.
We ourselves tried to help the Spinning Brand and even contacted John Baudhuin himself. However we found him to be very narcissistic and reckless with our time and money. He would set up a telephone meeting and abruptly cancel, with no consideration for our time and money. Even an apology would have been acceptable. Is that why one does not find Spinning Bikes in Indoor Cycling Studios?
On the topic of reckless. If you take a minute and visit the Spinning Website you will see the “history of Spinning Bikes”. You will see with your own eyes that they write: “Schwinn filed for bankruptcy in 2001” but we all know that Schwinn is currently in business AND their are more Schwinn bikes in Indoor Cycling Studios then Spinner Brand Bikes. One would think, after reading that, Schwinn is bankrupt. But the Schwinn Bikes are getting better and better every day.
Let’s hope that the 2015 move to “partner up” with Precor will lead to seeing more Spinner Bikes selling. We ourselves cannot stand behind the Spinner bikes and highly discourage others from buying them, First of all they are expensive, very expensive in our opinion. Secondly, when you see the people behind the Spinner Brand, like John Baudhuin, and how he treated me, it should discourage you to give them your business.
We even suffered some trouble from his secretary, Rhona Attwater. She treated the founder of IndoorCycling.ca with extreme rudeness and had no problem wasting his money and time. Would you believe us if we told you, that her other name is Rhona Crook ? Funny ? Sad?
Before our experience with John Baudhuin and Rhona Attwater we were puzlzed by only one studio in a large city like Vancouver only has the Spinning Bikes, but after suffering trouble interacting with them, we now know why and are very happy that we are seeing less and less studios with Spinning Bikes.
At IndoorCycling.ca we value human values, integrity and moral rectitude so we hope you encourage us to not just be “Yes Men” and just go with the flow, but support us when we uphold Virtue and Decency. That is how we are different.
You are welcome to ask Mr. John Baudhuin or Rhonda Attwater, why do they write that Schwinn is bankrupt. Can they please at least update their page just like they did in 2015 when they “partnered up” with Precor?