After witnessing several Spin Studios go out of business due to the lockdowns we decided to look back and highlight a few events. Many of you were aware that even Soulcycle in Canada has permanently shut down in Toronto and Vancouver.
We thus revisit the damaging and reckless closures of Spin Studios which caused many to lose their livelihoods and many whose health declined. We start by focusing on the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia which has a very active Indoor Cycling community.
In the province of British Columbia (BC), the “health officer” known as “Bonnie Henry” is now being sued, and has been sued, by several litigants regarding her arbitrary “mandates” especially when she declared “Spin Studios are dangerous,” which was quite chilling. Her justifcation was that few Spin members scored a positive test on the infamous “pcr test”. And let us not forget the insidious “computer modeling” which as you would guess was dystopian and doomsday, and this is not even hyperbolic when we say it was: “we are all going to die” rhetoric.
Even Dominik Desbois, owner of several studios known as Spin Society stated:
“Dr. Henry’s comments on spin classes ‘irresponsible and damaging “
Which now, in 2023 agree was 100% true.
Also. Putting aside when we found out that the Vaccines do not prevent transmission, A a stratified, more focused protection was the professional and ethical approach, and not draconian universal closures. Especially every “scientist” agrees that “exercise is medicine” which means that was truly “dangerous” is the lack of exercise. Closing exercise centres was what was truly “dangerous” and not keeping them open. Not forgetting the other harmful effects of closing fitness centres such as loss of income, financial disaster, and social sufferings.
Let us close with an excerpt from the highly respected Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science:
“But more importantly, we do not presuppose the fundamental premise that there is an emergency. Legal challenges that construct their argument upon that assumption seek relief from the court for a limited demographic on the basis that they will be well-behaved and not make the alleged pandemic worse.
This is a fatal mistake.
This argument leaves the government with the emergency card, even if a tactical victory is achieved in the best case scenario. As long as the government has the emergency card, it will always have a very strong argument for the continued exercise and abuse of extraordinary executive powers.
If a strategic victory is to be obtained, we will need to pull the rug out from under the government and force it to show its hand. This is why we are asking the court to critically examine the fundamental premise”