In July 2019 we write to you again about SoulCycle the New York-based indoor cycling studio which opened 2017 in Vancouver. You may recall that in the past we wrote about the shady and malicious actions of the PAST manager. As soon as the PAST studio manager Stephanie Delisi was hired she targeted a middle-eastern man and threatened him. She even called him at his residence and threatened and slandered him. Then we contacted Genna Selesnick, the SoulCycle lawyer, Ms. Selesnick was unwilling to hear the facts and was extremely venomous. So we are proud to say that Indoor Cycling Magazine was the first to expose the egregious actions which border on hate crimes.
Then we reported that SoulCycle was in ABC News in the past for banning a fitness instructor, which made headline news.
A celebrity trainer Joey Gonzalez said happened to him. Gonzalez, co-owner and chief operating officer of Barry’s Bootcamp, which offers fitness instruction in San Diego, New York and other cities, told ABC News that about 10 days after he took a spinning class at SoulCycle, he got a call from a SoulCycle. So that was ABC news.
Now lets move to Business Insider which reported
Soulcycle is a fitness fad, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
Business Insider went on to state that SoulCycle is
1. It’s not a good workout, according to some experts
2. You can hurt yourself
3. SoulCycle fools you into thinking you’re working harder than you actually are
4. SoulCycle charges you for water and shoes
5. You get shoved to the back, where you may not be able to see the instructor
6. It’s expensive, and there aren’t memberships available for loyal, frequent riders
7. It owns its elitism and exclusivity
8. It doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, but it promises that it will
9. The wording in its IPO filing was ludicrous (UPDATE: Soulcycle retracted their IPO)
You would think that would be it.
Then the big shocker was in June 2019 when we found out that one of the famous Soulcycle rockstar badass known as JB Hudson leaves the same Vancouver Soulcycle which we warned you about!!!
JB Hudson transfers to Ride Cycle Club, the competition of SoulCycle. How is Soulcycle going to process this one? Perhaps keep it under the radar? Or just chalk it up as inevitable? Or. WE HOPE do some some SOUL SEARCHING and ask why did a Soulcycle Superstar decide to work for the competition of after being with SoulCycle for so many years.?
As you will see from the images, JB Hudson was very popular. JB appeared in ads, videos and always produced a sold out class !! I was even at one of his sold out classes.
Did JB Hudson leave because the way the Vancouver location treated a middle-eastern man? Did JB leave because of the recent 9.2 million dollar lawsuit which SoulCycle was forced to pay? Or was it because of some of the shameful and mean-spirited actions that I experienced?
To conclude. We are proud that JB Hudson left Soulcycle for the competition. And we again reaffirm the warning and call to action that you do not give your business to SoulCycle.
Indoor Cycling Magazine.
Here is a great video of JB Hudson. Little did they know this was a going away party.
Please notice a page from the Soul Cycle Training Manual.
After reading this you will agree that their must be a few sociopaths and psychopaths in management. Why don’t they practice what they preach?
Lastly. Not surprised that on May 25 2018 CNN reported that “SoulCycle gives up on an IPO” In our opinion t is because of horrible incidents as we read above. Then we read in Market Watch which reported that Soulcycle is facing “DERISION”.
1) SoulCycle was punished with a 9.2 million dollar judgement for selling illegally expiring gift certificates.
2) Please watch this video
3) . From Business Insider: Why I stopped going to SoulCycle