The majority our Indoor Cycling Magazine friends are very very proud of us, because we always take the side of the consumer and are not cheerleaders for Indoor Cycling Studios. Thank you for your support–and at the same time–we apologize to anyone who was hoping that we act blindly when we see Indoor Cycling Studios engaging in abuse and malice.
In case you were not aware, SoulCycle was in ABC News in the past for banning a fitness instructor, which made headline news.
A celebrity trainer Joey Gonzalez said happened to him. Gonzalez, co-owner and chief operating officer of Barry’s Bootcamp, which offers fitness instruction in San Diego, New York and other cities, told ABC News that about 10 days after he took a spinning class at SoulCycle, he got a call from a SoulCycle.
So that was ABC news.
Now lets move to Business Insider which reported
So it’s worth noting that like many fitness fads, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
Business Insider went on to state that SoulCycle is
1. It’s not a good workout, according to some experts
2. You can hurt yourself
3. SoulCycle fools you into thinking you’re working harder than you actually are
4. SoulCycle charges you for water and shoes
5. You get shoved to the back, where you may not be able to see the instructor
6. It’s expensive, and there aren’t memberships available for loyal, frequent riders
7. It owns its elitism and exclusivity
8. It doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, but it promises that it will
9. The wording in its IPO filing was ludicrous
You would think that would be it.
Now lets focus on one specific Soulcycle location.
We have first hand knowledge of the Vancouver Soulcycle studio. The Vancouver Soulcycle manager engaged in severe abuse, intimation and harassment which must be made public.
For some reason SoulCycle Corperate did not screen the applicants well enough because they hired a manager who had a revenge agenda. As soon as the studio manager Stephanie Delisi was hired she targeted a middle-eastern man and threatened him. She even called him at his residence and threatened and slandered him.
Not sure why she was so hateful and malicious. Was it because he didn’t want any romantic relationship? Or because he, himself is also an Indoor Cycling Instructor which is a problem for her because he is a middle-eastern man in a position of leadership? Or was it because he had a past conflict with her friend and thus she was commanded to attack him like a pitbull? Your guess is good as ours.
What is even more malicious is that when the Vancouver Studio manager either Stephanie Delisi OR Lorenn Sayers became aware that the middle-eastern intended to go public, they called the SoulCycle lawyer in New York and had him threatened. They had Genna Selesnick, who is a “lawyer”, engage in a one-sided, and fabricated spurious accusation. Remember. That Ms. Selesnick is supposed to be a professional. However. Last time we checked professionals are aware that no matter how much you flatten a pancake there is always two sides. Moreover. Evidence and Truth are the fundamentals of professionalism. What if the middle-eastern man had incriminating evidence?
To conclude. Please join us in boycotting SoulCycle and also join us in contacting the SoulCycle ceo Melanie Whelan. You can post on her Instagram page here
In addition. Join us in filing a complaint against that black belt lawyer who threatened middle-eastern man without even giving him one minute to hear his side. You can complain here. Please file a complaint on Genna Selesnick, here
Departmental Disciplinary Committee
Supreme Court, Appellate Division
First Judicial Department
61 Broadway, 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10006
(212) 401-0800, fax: (212) 401-0810
Also file complaints to:
New York State Department for Consumers
Better Business Bureau New York
Please notice a page from the Soul Cycle Training Manual. You will agree that many sociopaths and psychopaths are behind the management. Why don’t they practice what they preach?
contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
Lastly. Not surprised that on May 25 2018 CNN reported that “SoulCycle gives up on an IPO” In our opinion t is because of horrible incidents as we read above. Then we read in Market Watch which reported that Soulcycle is facing “DERISION”.
1) SoulCycle was punished with a 9.2 million dollar judgement for selling illegally expiring gift certificates.
2) Please watch this video
3) . From Business Insider: Why I stopped going to SoulCycle