On Easter Sunday the founder Indoor Cycling Channel woke up to great weather, it was sunny, everyone was in a holiday mood,
families and their children were enjoying Easter Egg hunts. However all of a sudden we were notified by our community of the hateful and rage-farming attack on the founder of Indoor Cycling Channel. The source of the attacks was from a white-power female who goes by the alias “Hannah Rose Spin” a narcisist, but her real name is Hannah Pratt. She claims to be a famous Spin Instructor but lives in Winnipeg. Her first charge is 115 dollars. and she states for 115 dollars “It’s time to start your instructor journey and tap into your magic.” So the 115 dollars is just the start of the journey? What kind of magic will I discover and how much will it cost you? Well fork up another 227 dollars for her “STUDIO SALES ACCELERATOR: AUGUST 20 WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Use code EARLYBIRD until August 9!
We could go on and on with all her “pitches” which she pitches to young people starting in the fitness industry. If anyone can put 2 and 2 together they will quickly see through her. Let’s pick a popular Indoor Cycling Studio like SoulCycle. If one is interested in becoming an instructor at Soulcycle, do you think Soulcycle is more likely to hire them because they took Hannah’s “finding your inner magic course” which is not even in person, but online? Remember. Soulcycle have their own training which is science based and very high-quality. Just imagine if Hannah got few hundred dollars a day then multiply that by 365 days. Would the world be full of “Hannah coached” instructors or Hannahs bank account full?
Which brings us Hannah’s Easter Sunday Smear Campaign, and many would call a malicious attack.
A few days before the Hannah’s Easter Sunday attack one of her minions known as Laree Hambright who also advertises herself as a famous instructor on Instagram found out that Indoor Cycling channel was considering offering a certification course.

laree hambright temecula
or an Indoor Cycling course for coaches and instructors. So Laree Hambright tipped of Hannah that she will now have to compete with Indoor Cycling channel. By the way, as of April 10 2024 Laree Hambright pathetic tiktok channel forces you to watch her promote her favorite song which is called “ I am a bad bitch” Which is disqusting and unprofessional, Again. hundreds, maybe thousands young girls will be exposed to that bad example. However to Hannah, Laree passes and is on Hannah’s “approved list”. Looks like birds of a feature flock together. And again, they are both white-power females trying to bring a non-white citizen down. How you say?
Just after a few days, that Laree Hambright who believes “being a bad bitch can be so much fun” tipped of Hannah Pratt, Hannah Pratt went into pitbull mode, which was quite frighting and psychotic.
To continue. The narcisist Hannah Pratt went into Pitbull mode and did everything she can to not only discourage others from doing business with the non-white man but encouraged her thousands of followers to shut down the non-white man. Please read her malicous and evil attack. (Caution because overwhelming evil will attempt to come in)
The narcissistic white power female, Hannah Rose Pratt wrote that on Easter Sunday. As you can see the hate, the malice, the anger, the evil. Just imagine of a non-white male wrote that about a white female? What if the shoe was on the other foot?
Notice how desperate Hannah Rose Pratt was, when she brought up a COMPLIMENT 3 YEARS AGO. To Hannah Rose Pratt when a non-white male compliements her that is reprensible. Of course a non-psychotic citizens would simply say thank you. And besides I received messages of support after my supporters tipped me off. They said that compliments are not reprensible. But to Hannah saying when her friends write “it is fun to be a bad bitch”, dosen’t’ warrant blocking that person?
And on the topic of “harassment”. Hannah publicly supports a known sexual harrasser, who goes by Zax Fit Hannah even mentions him in her witch hunt. However, unlike Hannah, we have evidence. Just visit youtube and type in “Zax Fit”. You will see this disgusting video. This is Hannah’s minions sexually harassing young ladies. What if he did this at a school? According to the narcisist Hannah he is on her “approved list”
This psycho goes by. Zax Fit who claims to be a famous indoor cycling instructor. However as you can see from the video, that is his real side. That pycho also came after me a few years ago because I rejected his brand because my standards are professionalism, and integrity. Zax Fit is currently claiming to be in a USA tour of multiple studios, but he neglects to state the facts that these studios that welcome him are in small towns who are desperate for some business. For example one town, Florence, Alabama, population of 40 000 people has a small spin studio that “welcomed” him. I am sure they were not aware of his past. Besides. He most likely pays for his motels and food so he can claim he is doing a “tour”. How pathetic, delusional and sad.
Last question. How home Hannah does not mention her Twitter account? Which is far from professional. Have a look:
As you can see it is not professional. How come she dosent show this when she takes several hundreds of dollars from young people? Just go to her Twitter account yourself and you see at best she just reposts other peoples tweets.
However to conclude. One tweet she reposted says alot about her. Have a look:
As a psychology major I believe that Hannah retweeted that because it hits home. Here is the quote again that Hannah retweeted.
“It’s a trauma response to hyper focus on what people say or think. At one time, this is how you stayed safe in an unpredictable environment. You learned to notice every shift in mood or behavior because you faced the consequences of those shifts.”
Remember that Hannah claims to be smart. she is a supporter of that pathetic atheist Sam Harris. So let’s test Hannah’s intelligence.
Hey Hannah. So should I not hyper focus on your recent libel and defamation and ignore it because it is a trama response? Or are you displaying your trama response by hyper focusing on a non-white man’s comments that were 3 years ago? Which is it?
Is that why you can’t finish completing your twitter account—traumatizing others?
As an academic your actions in social psychology are simply classified as “CONFESSION THROUGH PROJECTION”.
Please watch this video