power and flow scottsdale
For over 10 years Indoor Cycling Channel has supported professional and ethical instructors. We
are sure that you don’t expect us to just be cheerleaders of every Instructor in the world? Society wants balanced and fair reviews which is why we are now the world’s largest online Spin community. In case you were not aware, we own the top Indoor Cycling Platforms such as our world famous INSTAGRAM account @IndoorCyclingTV and our world famous YOUTUBE account @indoorCycling. and of course Indoor Cycling Magazine, and in 2025 we are on path to dominate Tiktok with our channel Tiktok.com/@indoorCyclingTV
This brings us to our interaction with a high profile spin instructor know as Kristina Girod who owns a spin studio in Scottsdale, Arizona. I believe it is called Power and Flow. Kristina did not name it “Power Trip”, but that would be too obvious.
Kristina spin studio does not have one male instructor, not one male instructor. Just imagine if a man owned a spin studio and all his instructors were men? That would be Armageddon, there would be protests and public outcry. Any honest person would agree.
Secondly. A few years ago we noticed her supporting a sexual harasser. We simply brought that to her attention, and even sent a video as evidence. Instead of thanking us Kristina blocked us which was very disheartening and harmed our reputation Here is the video of the sexual harasser who is known as “”Zax Fit” which is an actual loser, a very crazy reprobate. Here is a video sexually harassing females. Remember at spin studios many females are teenagers. Do you want your teenage daughter to see this?
As you can see from the video this creep known as Zax Fit assumes all the girls in the studio are enjoying his sexuallized actions. Did every woman in the room “want it”? even if 9 out of 10 “wanted it”, what about the 1 out 10 female who did not “want it”? Did the parents of those girls wanted this creep to behave like that in front of their daughters?
Anyways, as mentioned when we contacted Kristina Girod and informed her of this creep, even came after the owner of Indoor Cycling Channel, however instead of Kristina thanking us for protecting young females, Kristina blocked us !?! Doesn’t Kristina care about young females? Doesn’t Kristina want to set a good example for young females? I don’t think so. In this video she uses unprofessional language. Here is a video with young females and we hear Kristina use dirty words ” Fuck it up”.
Many of us don’t want young females to hear “Fuck it up”, I hope you are the same?
To continue with the topics of “bad influence” and “sexual harassment” In the next video we see Kristina Girod slapping the bum of a male dancer. Please watch this private video.
In my opinion this video above hits both bases. Bad influence and sexual harassment. If you are an honest person then you will admit that if a MAN slapped a dancers bum and asked her for a kiss there would be an outcry and the man slapping the females bum would be in trouble.
Lastly. Let us leave you with what regular folks who have met Kristina in Person at Scottsdale, Arizona. They warn us that there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between the Internet Kristina and the “REAL KRISTINA”. Real folks speak out. Please read their Google Reviews:
Despite the fans/acolytes that the owner has, if you aren’t a devoted follower and blow up her ego like everyone else does, you will not be welcome at this studio. You’ll be welcome (bc ofc they will take your money), but you’ll be relegated to the back row despite being a seasoned rider. If you’re new (and therefore can’t be trusted) prepare to have your bike moved with no notice. If you aren’t a perfect rider and they think you’re going to mess up the “perfection” of the marketing videos they are always shooting, you will never be able to ride front row.
I’ve ridden in studios all over the world with the most amazing instructors, and this studio and this self aggrandizing social media star represents the absolute worst of what ego and putting on a show are doing to the spin community. And if she thinks you have stepped out of line in some way, she will ridicule you in front of the whole class or worse, pull you out of class and have a “word” with you. I’ve never in my life written a bad review about a studio or published a negative thing about an instructor, but Kristina was so absolutely god awful that I felt compelled to finally write this review.
You’ll like it (maybe), if you shut up and take whatever bike they give you. Or if you are striving to make that coveted front row and aspire to be the back up dancers to the star of the show. But if you’re looking for amazing, supportive, friendly, non-judgmental, welcoming, inclusive community, look elsewhere.
Here is one more:
I have been hesitant to leave this review for a while, but recently saw people starting to speak up and feel obligated to do the same. Despite being popular on Instagram and TikTok, the owner of this studio Kristina sadly doesn’t live up to the “love” and “community” she preaches online, in fact she is very much a bully. She has ridiculed me in front of the class multiple times, once for switching bikes when something wasn’t working so much so that the girl next to me and apologized to me.
Another time, I watched her physically grab two girls legs and aggressively shove them into the pedals while telling them to sit down because they were going to make the class late. It is unacceptable and cruel behavior, especially when many people travel from different cities to take her classes and support her. Wild to treat people this way who pay to take classes and support you and start their day with you, absolutely awful.This isn’t just one incident, I watched her behave like this in every class until I decided not to go back. The other instructors and staff are lovely but I cannot support a business owner that treats people this way, especially with so many other supportive & kind studios around. I have been to many studios for years and have never experienced something like this. I cannot imagine someone taking a spin class the first time and this being their experience because this is not normal or what this community represents.And a professional instructor was also absolutely right about the nonsensical choreography , please go anywhere but here, this is not it.

A closer look at the famous or “infamous” Kristina Girod