Every now and then, I encounter someone in my classes that reminds me why the following rules are important and should not be forgotten. One of my fellow instructors asked me to post this as her blog is not setup yet. Here it is, unpolished, as is, and with bit of a Jersey attitude…
If you’re on time, you’re late!!
Yep, you heard this one right. Please be considerate in your arrival time for class and if you
are new to indoor cycling, please arrive at least 10minutes early so that I can help you setup, safely and properly. In a recent class, a new rider arrived 10minutes late and demanded that I stop teaching to show them how to setup their bike. Other times, I see new riders come in late, take a bike in the back and hop on without any adjustments. Then, for the next 20 minutes, they proceed to struggle and fiddle with the bike forcing me to stop the workout, dismount and set them up correctly. Why? Because more often than not, there is a high risk of injury — and that is the last thing anyone wants.
Don’t ask me to keep the music down for the whole ride!
In yesterday’s class, one rider yelled several times and motioned to turn down the music volume, repeatedly. While I play my tunes at safe levels using an app and, yes, keeping OSHA decibel guidelines in mind (and never mind the nagging of GF manager to stop blowing up speakers), this was just weird. She even said that “there is way too much noise in here and all around me wherever I go” – OK dudette, if there is too much noise, why are you here? Seriously, and with all due respect, we have to teach to a certain cadence range and BPM levels; I just can’t turn the volume down and expect other riders to accept that….The good of the many outweigh the good of the few…Spock…Star Trek. EPIC!!
This is not high school!!
Stop with the yap yap yap and the chatting…it’s distracting and other riders do not appreciate it. Seriously dudes and dudettes, focus on the ride and keep the social “catching up” to a minimum.
Texting, emailing & calling while riding!
OK – you have heard this before…please please please, do not bring you cell phone into the studio and worse, take a call. I remember during a class a while ago, I was teaching a race day routine and one rider actually took a call and started yelling over the music so that the caller can hear them. FUR REAL!! Please leave your phone at the front desk and ask them to come and get you in case you are expecting a very important call.
Wearing headphones during class!
You have got to be kiddin’ me. Why? You can’t hear me and you are off on your own
journey. Instructions be damned? Why are you here then? If you prefer your own playlist, then ride on your own time.
Antiperspirant, Towels & Proper Attire! I beg you!!
There is just no way to sugar coat it… wear your deodorant…we are all working very hard and sweating like crazy, all while riding very close to one another. Please be mindful of your funk. Also, sweat puddles and drenched handlebars may appear cool, but let’s keep it real and clean up. Bring an extra towel if you sweat profusely (or grab two if your studio provides them) and please try to wear moisture-wicking gear. Don’t forget to wipe the bike down when the ride concludes.
Leaving early?
Please don’t just jump off the bike and walk out. As instructors, we have to ensure that you are properly cooled down and your heart rate has slowed gradually. We also don’t want you to get cramps, crash into another bike or rider when leaving, or worse yet injure yourself. If you plan on leaving early, please let us know, take a bike close to the exit and please cool down before you head out.
Off the beaten path?!?! Where are you going?
Out of respect for your instructor and classmates, it is imperative that you follow
instructions at all times. It is ok to climb when we are seated or to sprint when we are climbing, but then again there is a reason why some of us instructors spend hours (and lots of our own money) hand-picking playlists, matching music to BPM’s and designing a routine for maximum efficiency. Straying from that routine will undoubtedly minimize your fitness results, and may result in injury if proper cadence and resistance are not selected. So please, trust and follow your instructor at all times.
Moving in?!
Don’t bring your oversized duffle bag, coat, sandwich, etc. into the studio. Indoor cycling studios are typically small and the space between bikes is often tight. If I need to assist someone, in a darkened room, there is the risk of tripping over these items. Please use a locker…seriously!
Leave your negative attitude at the door!! I do!!
We all have bad days. As an instructor, I could be having a really bad day, but I still have to
give you 100% without letting the events of the day or personal issues weigh me down. It is not easy – I get it. I just ask that you do the same or at least try. If you don’t like my music, routine, the temperature settings, the volume, the bike, or whatever, please find a different class that better suits your needs. No offense and none taken!