Love Cycling Studio is not called LOVE for gimmicks or show, they’re called LOVE because that’s exactly how they want you to feel leaving their studio
Love from us as we welcome you into our studio, love from our instructors leading you through a climb, sharing their own journey. Love from those pedaling next to you, knowing you’re not alone; but most of all, love for yourself. Love for the strength of your body, the strength of your mind, and for the 45 minutes you decided to shut out everything else and sweat with us.
was born out of a passion for the ride experience combined with a strong bond of community. My joy and enthusiasm for this type of fitness led me to believe I could make a long time dream come true. Our team is strongly dedicated to ensuring the experience one has at LOVE is one of warmth and community first, followed by an amazing and inspirational work out.They have the best damn instructors and the staff is freaking amazing !! Their studio should be a training facility on how to run a kick ass cycle studio . The front desk greets everyone with an wonderful smile every single time you walk in. It’s not just a smile it’s the sincerity of everyone that works there. They make you feel so welcomed. They greet you with a cool wash cloth after the class and a smile. I am not sure where they found these instructors but I would love to pack them all up and bring them to my little city. They are so extremely upbeat, inspiring ,caring and so damn encouraging!!! They smile the entire time, they make you laugh, even if you don’t want to smile you end up wanting to. If it wasn’t for LOVE cycle I would have been so damn depressed in Austin . They definitely live up to their name because I felt the oh and if you forget anything they have shoes , leggings , super cute ass socks and topsThis place is beautifully bougie. I don’t own a stitch of Lululemon and I’m not even sure I wore matching socks, but I probably should have
. The people who go to this class are beautiful and I felt like I was on a prank show being among them. This place is classy with a capitol C … and probably an accent over one is the letters, though I’m not sure which one.
Don’t let my insecurities fool you. Everyone was super nice and it’s the kind of concierge service I would expect if I had one or two more zeros at the end of my annual income. I was handed rental shoes that didn’t reek of sadness, the restrooms have value-sized bottle of Poop- Pouri and artful Tampon-en-vase in each stall. There’s mouthwash and lotions and I almost
missed the start of class because I was so enamored with the bathroom. I would’ve paid the $24 class feel just to luxuriate in there — it’s nicer than my bathroom at home!
A young lady walked me to my bike and showed me how to clip in with my rented bike shoes. There was a cute hand-written note to welcome me as a first-timer and plushy white towel that I probably would have stolen had I not remembered I surrendered all of my identifiable information when I signed up. Plus, I didn’t want to embarrass my friend.
Though the room was club-dark and lit with candles, I could tell that there are regulars. They chatted and fist-bumped and adjusted their sports bras just so.